The YWCA is a non-profit organization that has around 40 different programs in Prince Albert alone, which are designed to help people in need. Some examples of the services they provide are a youth shelter and youth peer homes for ages 12-15, a group home for women with children, and a group home homeless people with addictions.
The Connection Centre offers an employment assistance program called Employment Support Program for Youth (ESP4Youth) for youth ages 16-29 who are facing multiple barriers to employment. The program will work with youth to build confidence and skills that are needed to obtain and maintain employment. The Connection Centre also offers various services for newcomers to Prince Albert or Canada, stage one English classes, employment support, assistance with obtaining Canadian ID, digital literacy workshops, access to a Notary Public, and a Community Volunteer Income Tax program.
The office is open 8 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday, and can be reached at 306-765-2530.You can view their website at: